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Student training, It's in the DNA of ALICOOP !

Friday 25 August 2023

ALICOOP has always been committed to the mission of welcoming and training students from various backgrounds. This has been an integral part of its DNA for many years. As these fresh students integrate in our community, they will become integral members of various departments within ALICOOP's teams and ongoing initiatives. This provides them with the opportunity to explore the various roles within the company, to understand its operations with its clients and partners, and to internalize its core values. Their active contribution involves supporting fellow employees and enhancing collaborative efforts, with the possibility for some of them to continue this wonderful journey beyond their training by becoming part of the Alicoop team.


By highlighting this dynamic spirit, we express our gratitude to the "group of 2023" comprising the welcomed students! Thank you to Farah, Ewen, Jérémy, Titouan (Sales Department), Chloé, Quentin, Alice (Expertise and Innovation Department), Thibaud (IT and Maintenance Department), and Léa (Lab and Quality Department)! Sharing, exchanging, nurturing projects alongside you, facing challenges, and mutual assistance are always on the agenda. We hope that the ALICOOP spirit will continue to inspire you throughout the next steps of your professional journeys.